Tuesday, March 10, 2009


From last few days, you must have noticed a hyperlink following you wherever you go (like a Hutch network) on a newspaper sites, or even on gmail. This hyperlink is a portal created by the BJP Prime Minister candidate Sri Lal Krisna Advani, www.lkadvani.in. This is a way to establish a connect with the youth and is on the same lines as of Barack Obama.

This website exhibits the benefits of voting to BJP, conditions prevailing in Assam, his own career and life. It also contains blogs to pour the bitterness against Congress, enemies of secularism and the nation as a whole. These days, on eve of women’s week the home page says “I salute the women of India and the world”—LK Advani.

This is quite clearly a great innovation from a person who is neither a marketer nor has done a MBA degree, but he is just a politician serving his country from past so many years. This is actually a counter attack against all the existing ways of campaigning by other political parties and a unique way to create a sustainable competitive advantage in this election.

He is actually doing things differently to attract the largest youth population in the world. He was seen in a gym lifting dumbles, clearly illustrating the fact that he wants to remain fit to serve the people of the country as against many politicians who are of the age of retirement (Advani is older than many of those).

Congress tried to gauge this youth by introducing many faces....obviously young ones and giving them tickets to contest elections against the old heroes. So to fight this experience v/s youth trade-off, they, especially Advani has found innovative and unconventional way of marketing BJP to the hearts of younger generation of India.

But they have to understand that it’s not just about reach. Though internet will be a great medium for penetration of his and his party’s thoughts; but message is more important than medium. They must understand that the youth wants to know about employment, social security, poverty, economic conditions, and foreign affairs and the one who will be able to provide this to them and satisfy them on these issues will be the one who will form the government.


  1. Very well said. Actually it had been amazing the way LK Advani has been promoting his party that had always been known for its retired fighters. Though going on the path of Obama can be called copying but i would rather call it emulating, one should always copy if outcomes and intentions are positive. I think this had been the first time he has ever appealed to me. There cant be a better example depicting the importance of positioning in the present scenario. But the point to be noticed is that whether NDA would be able to form the govt & make a mark or just play on the games. with the changing scenario it seems that no party can stay for too long without working or better say performing.
    All in all Advaniji's step is very well appreciated and welcomed by today's youth, bt that wd still be the first step for a long journey.....lets hope for a really SHINING INDIA

  2. This initiative by Advani is definitely an interesting one for the future of Indian politics...one of the amazing things about the site is that it allows visitors to view content posted by others, even if it questions the bjp's actions and ideology...so, it is very much a neutral portal, even though run by BJP...having said that, there are doubts over whether this is goin to work in India, where the net penetration is nowhere close to the USA and most ppl do not take internet as a serious medium. Also, as a marketing act, is positioning the portal as a neutral one, the best strategy???
    Waiting to know about the actual impact of lkadvani.in
