Friday, July 17, 2009

My friend needs yet another loan!!!

My friend needs an advice. Actually he has taken a lot of loan and there are lots of members in his family. His income is not sufficient to run the family expenses and hence he has to take loans. Even to repay his installments, he has to take fresh loans. The principal and interest are both increasing and he his taking fresh loans to repay the earlier ones. This is a vicious circle my friend is in.

You must be guessing who this friend of mine can be. He is known to everyone of us. Yes, it is the GOVERNMENT of India.

This union budget clearly shows how much GoI cares about the members of its family. But is the loan money meant to be distributed like this. The revenue as per the budget is 600 thousand crores and we have spent much much more than this and for this the Govt. needs to take a fresh loan of 400 thousand crore which is almost 3 times what was in 2004.

Now lets see that where the money is spent. More than 75% of the expenses are dedicated to defense and subsidies, and the daily expenses of the functioning of the GoI. After all these, whatever little is left goes to the so called investment in development for which there is always a chaos, and which in the end is rendered unproductive.

Our defense expenses have grown by almost 50% in the last 5 years and is around 140 thousand crore which is 15 times more than the education budget. Why are we comparing ourselves to USA when it comes to the defense budget. Isn't it better to maintain good relations with our neighbours and hence drastically reduce this defense expense. Isn't it better to provide employment to people through different productive schemes rather than distributing rice and wheat free of cost as subsidies.

The govt. should quit the areas where it is not needed and hence try to reduce the expenses. It is taking loans and doing unwanted stuff as if it was its last day and it can take any amount of loan without even caring for repayment. If the situation continues to be like this, then the day is not far when the burden of principal and interest will increase so many folds that the government has to reduce the development rate and the inflation will increase to an extent that it will become very difficult for people like us to survive.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Was that really a MISTAKE???

It rained the entire day today and i enjoyed a lot....spent almost 1.5 hours in the downpour with someone "SPECIAL"...but this is not the point which i wanted to highlight in this post...

It was Brand Management exam...that i did something in the initial hour of the paper which i now think i shouldn't have done, since it is not my cup of tea...generally i just go n give the exam and come back without doing much of "it".

The paper began at 10:15 and at around 11:10 or so, i did something which made me the center of attraction in the class. What I did was not an act which could have been ignored by the class and hence that made me feel a little regretful.

At around 11:10, in just less than an hour after the start of the exam, I, in my complete senses,.....wait for it........asked for an extra sheet from the invigilator....The entire class started looking at me as if i did something illegal....though this was not expected out of me but...and then the class started to honor me by bench tapping. I just got up slightly from my seat and waived my hand in order to thank the class.

But now I think that I should have got up and should have bowed right in front of the entire class...but never mind this act of mine made a "faffer" rethink of his capabilities....but with full respect i won't accept that crown since it belongs to that person only.....