Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Was that really a MISTAKE???

It rained the entire day today and i enjoyed a lot....spent almost 1.5 hours in the downpour with someone "SPECIAL"...but this is not the point which i wanted to highlight in this post...

It was Brand Management exam...that i did something in the initial hour of the paper which i now think i shouldn't have done, since it is not my cup of tea...generally i just go n give the exam and come back without doing much of "it".

The paper began at 10:15 and at around 11:10 or so, i did something which made me the center of attraction in the class. What I did was not an act which could have been ignored by the class and hence that made me feel a little regretful.

At around 11:10, in just less than an hour after the start of the exam, I, in my complete senses,.....wait for it........asked for an extra sheet from the invigilator....The entire class started looking at me as if i did something illegal....though this was not expected out of me but...and then the class started to honor me by bench tapping. I just got up slightly from my seat and waived my hand in order to thank the class.

But now I think that I should have got up and should have bowed right in front of the entire class...but never mind this act of mine made a "faffer" rethink of his capabilities....but with full respect i won't accept that crown since it belongs to that person only.....


  1. i guess the someone special was the second xtra sheet...cmon it must b special bcos it was as u claim ur first 2nd xtra sheet...tho i dont think u spent 1.5 hrs with it...nd i think theres no use repenting fact i think u kind of enjoyed it...nd the way u asked for the xtra sheet was as legendary the act itself

  2. thanks...yeah i knew that the way i demanded that had a sense of excitement...but Mr. joshi has a threat from least thats wat people think...

  3. For the first time, I am missing not taking the Brand Management course...missed that historic moment..when a new Faff king was born...
