Monday, August 31, 2009

What the hell Jinnah has to do with our country now???

How does it matter that Jinnah was a secular leader or not??? How does it affect our daily lives??? The person concerned is resting and let him rest in peace. If there are books on him, they are the personal opinions of the book writers and they have the right to pen down their opinions. And if they don’t, then the freedom of speech is just a point in the constitution which looks good only on reading but its implementation....
So why such a hue and cry on the thoughts of Mr. Jaswant Singh to the extent that even his book has been banned. If he feels that Jinnah was a good man than what’s the harm in that. BJP has a history of producing controversial leaders. Be it Uma Bharti or Varun Gandhi or Lal Krishna Advani or Arun Shourie or Jaswant Singh. So what’s up with these high class leaders of BJP. They are critically analysing a historic character (which is of no use), then they go on to publish a book containing this analysis, then they fight internally to ban the book and then the party dismisses these leaders which have been there for 30 long years. What’s happening to our democracy??? Or is it just a ploy by the BJP leaders to change their image from the Hindu pro party to a more secular one. If this is the case then they are seriously troubling their interests with the RSS.
I am not against BJP or Congress for that matter. I just want to see these parties as strong as they can be so that Indian voters have two healthy alternatives to chose from. However after the elections, BJP chose the path of slow death or the path of suicide to be very precise, which is not only harmful for the party but for the entire nation. Because if the voters don’t have any other alternative to vote for, then it will become a sort of monopoly for the single party that remains i.e. Congress.
While history is just to study and be informed about and not to be worried about, the most important concern should be the present and the future. Are we running out of issues that we have to discuss those issues which have no relevance at all in the country’s growth? At the time when the entire world is thinking about growth our honourable leaders are busy extracting the dead bodies out of the coffin. Why don’t they debate the trivial issues of poverty, employment, economic growth, infrastructure, education with the same intensity as they are debating the non sense issue of Jinnah?