Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Contrast..Singapore v/s India

The facts presented below are completely personal and resemlence to any living or dead is intented...so that people may learn and can take this country to a place it deserves....So, I left Singapore yesterday through one of the largest, cleanest and beautiful airports of the world...."Changi Airport". It handles 3 to 4 times more passengers and cargo than IGI, but still its maintenance and security are second to none....inimitable..
Not that they have more people to manage these..but the people there contribute a lot to the Nation's success by helping the government in every venture...
Just taking a samll example, the road crossings...people there don't cross the roads till the crossing light meant for them doesn't turn green...they do not spoil the roads by spitting or throwing any litter neither do they have maculate busses or trains, MRTs as they call. They abide by rules and do not eat or throw anything in their busses or trains to keep then dirtless.
But here, you can't find a bus in which people are not smoking, or litter spattered everywhere.
They have some of the best cars as taxis to run on jelly like smooth roads. Cars like BMWs, Mercedes, Peugeots, Nissans, Toyotas, etc are used as taxis.
They use cycles a lot and this coupled with excessive usage of public transport is a primary reason that the country is green and clean....as against us, the ROYAL INDIANS who consider driving cycles or travelling in buses as demeaning our reputation...which repo are we talking of??? vis a vis our neighbour.....thats bullsh**t.....
Now something very peculiar about the people there. They do a lot of text while travelling. Their speed on their mobiles is unmatched. Very few people are found reading books or newspapers as aginst Americans or Europeans who read a lot while travelling. 
Now, I would not sound like my economics teacher..always cursing India..So a sigh of relief for the Indians vis a vis Singapore people....As far as studies are concerned, they are way behind us....they generally leave schools to find jobs in places like Pizza hut or Mcdonalds.....
But after all this..one thing is sure.....they are happy going, helpful and have managed to lift their country to a position which seems unmatchable by any standards like ours

1 comment:

  1. I think its a bit (but not completely) unfair to compare the two...Singapore is a small country and thrives only on tourism...but India is far more diverse and sizeable. i guess its more like comparing the success of two people who want different things from their life.
